September 02, 2022

Halo Halo Weekend - Thank you!

As I looked around the parish this weekend, I saw people chatting, laughing, children playing, and everyone having a joyful time of fellowship after each of the Masses.

Thanks to the efforts of our dedicated volunteers, we were once again brought together as a parish family. When I went to the basement kitchen, I was so touched by how hard everyone was working, running around preparing Halo Halo drinks and other snacks for the children. In the area outside the church's entrance, the Name Tag Team members were busily giving out name tags to everyone, and then serving drinks immediately after Mass.

All of our volunteers gave themselves tirelessly, with joy, and out of love for the parish, and of course for God. Their efforts this weekend and always, made us truly live up to this line from the 

With whom I once enjoyed sweet fellowship at the house of God, as we walked about among the worshippers (Psalms 55:14).

Finally, thank you, dear parishioners, friends, and guests, for joining us after Mass this past weekend. Your presence made us truly a family of God.

On behalf of Father Justin and the entire Hospitality Ministry, our sincere and grateful thanks to all of you.

Patrick May, Lead

St. Anthony of Padua Hospitality Ministry