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Parish Centre Donations

St. Anthony of Padua
8891 Montcalm Street
Vancouver, BC V6P 4R4

This drawing is under review by the City of Vancouver

A Message from the Fundraising Chair

Thank you for considering a donation to the parish centre!

Our parish centre project is now at a critical moment. Archbishop Miller has approved the project, which means that there is a real urgency for us to move forward, as construction costs tend to skyrocket over time.

God has blessed us with a vibrant, thriving parish. Under Father Justin’s leadership, attendance at Mass is high, and our evangelization efforts are making a real difference in people’s lives. The Catholic education our school offers is also making a difference in calling families to make Jesus the centre of their lives.

All that points to the very real need for greater physical space for both parish and school activities and programmes. 

In our post-Christian age, we Catholics are being called to re-evangelize our world, by our words and by our actions.This is why I am personally committed to the future of both our parish and our school. A solid Catholic education and a parish that truly lives out its mission are the only way that we ensure the future of our Church, and the future of our children to be able to stand firm as Catholics in this very secular world.

In St. Anthony of Padua parish, we have found our spiritual home, our second home. In our school, we have a genuinely Catholic school to educate our children.

Can I ask you also to join me in making a personal commitment to the future of our parish and school, a commitment that will lead to future generations of faithful Catholics.

I know it seems that the goal is far off and the road is long. When Mother Angelica founded the EWTN network, everyone told her it was impossible. Look at how this international Catholic network is doing today, and look at the lives it is changing.

The parish centre project is my legacy. It is your legacy. This is our parish. This is our school. With your support and your prayers, I know that we can bring this project to its fruition. I look forward to the day when we can all look at our beautiful new parish centre and be able to say, “I helped build that.”

Patrick May

I want to help build ST. ANTHONY’S PARISH CENTRE.

Tax receipt for the donation will be issued to donor under the name shown on Credit Card above. Please contact parish office should you have questions.

If you’d prefer not to use our online form, please contact parish office at 604-266-6131 (Tuesday - Friday, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM). 

St. Anthony of Padua Parish office

8891Montcalm Street
Vancouver, BC V6P 4R4

St. Anthony preaching to the fish -

St. Anthony’s Parish Centre Project

Proposed location: current school parking lot - Future Parish Centre Location

Projected cost (2024): $ 13 million

Funds raised to date: $ 6 million

Project status: Development Permit has been granted