June 24, 2024 22:45
We are a parish on a mission! Our vision is to be an overflowing community in Christ, sent that all may have life to the full. Our staff and ministries are working very hard in five key areas: discipleship, evangelization, worship, community and ministry. Please pray and consider giving sacrificially to support the mission of St. Anthony’s.
Donations are gratefully accepted in these ways:
1) Online Giving
2) PAD (Pre-Authorized Debit) *NEW
To make ongoing payments without hassle, you can set up secure recurring payments through PAD. Fill out your basic account information below, choose your donation amount, and how often you want to give, and submit the form. A PDF or hard copy version of the PAD form is available upon request from the Parish Office at 604.266.6131 or [email protected].
Your donation will process automatically without you having to manually do it. You can also change your donation through your bank at any time or by contacting the Parish Office.
Note: your total monthly donation will be debited each month on the 15th.
PAD (Pre-Authorized Debit) FORM
3) Mail
4) Drop off at the Parish
Thank you for your generosity and support! If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office, 604.266.6131